• А.М. Abasova Southern Federal University
  • L.K. Babenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Steganography, stegocontainer, digital watermarkind, morphological image processing


This article raises the issue of the introduction of digital watermarks in the image area, which are less likely modified and, therefore, are suitable for ensuring effective protection of cop-yright, taking into account the type of destructive effects that are characteristic of their violation. The container is a color image, as a digital watermark - a text containing a copyright protection symbol. For the implementation, foreground blocks are chosen, because according to the survey they represent the value of the image, which is especially characteristic for commercial photo-graphs. The search for data blocks for implementation is carried out using marking using methods of mathematical morphology. Also in the article, the ability of a structural element to fulfill the role of key information has been demonstrated. It is proposed to use the geometric center of each found block of the foreground for the introduction of the digital watermark as a reference point when it is filled. The results of the evaluation of the ability to correctly extract an embedded digital watermark according to the proposed solution using the developed program, the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the developed program and a comparison with existing software products used for copyright protection are presented


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