• V. V. Bova Southern Federal University
  • E.V. Kuliev Southern Federal University
  • S.N. Scheglov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Associative rule extraction, unstructured data, genetic algorithm, associative rule base, big data


The modern databases have significant volume and consist of large masses of information.
One of the popular methods of knowledge identification in terms of tasks of analysis and processing
of large data volumes is composed of the algorithms for searching the associative rules.
The paper solves the problem of building the bases of associative rules for the analysis of the unstructured
large data volumes on the basis of searching different regularities considering the importance
of their characteristics. The authors propose the method for synthesizing the bases and
building the transaction database to calculate the threshold values of support and application of
criteria of estimating implicit associations. This allows us to extract repeated and implicit associative
rules. To improve the computational effectiveness of extracting the associative rules, the paper
applies the genetic algorithm for optimization of input parameters of the characteristic searching
space. The developed method shortens the time of rules extraction, reduces the number of generated
common rules, and avoid the resource-consuming procedure of pre-processing the synthesized
rule base. The authors developed the program and algorithmic module to carry out the experimental
research of the proposed method for synthesizing the associative rules on the basis of filtering
the input parameters of the search model for solving the tasks of processing the unstructured
data. The experiments conducted on the test transaction bases allow us to clarify the theoretical
estimations of time complexity of the proposed method that used the genetic algorithm to calculate
the weighed support of the set of rules considering the assessment of a priori informative content
of the characteristics included in the dataset. The time complexity of the developed method is estimated
as  О(I2). The comparative analysis is performed using the test data of the Retail Data
with the algorithms Apriori and Frequent Pattern-Growth. The results have proven the effectiveness
of the search method on big sets of transactions. The method allows us to reduce the cardinal
of an irredundant set of extracted associative rules in more than 40% in comparison with the popular
algorithms. The experiments have shown that the method can be effective for the tasks of
knowledge discovery in terms of processing large volumes of data.


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