• S.M. Sokolov Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences
  • А. А. Boguslavsky Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences
  • S.A. Romanenko Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Situational awareness, vision system, mobile robot, nonconventional calculators, algorithmic providing, airborne computers, real time


Research objective is increase of autonomous mobile means information support efficiency with use of visual data and technologies of its development due to rational use of nonconventional calculators and special preparation of algorithmic providing. Use of nonconventional, heteroge-neous computing means allows to expand significantly a circle of visual data processing problems on the real time scale and, thereby, to increase situational awareness of autonomous robots and efficiency of its receiving. Rational use of nonconventional calculators demands essential altera-tion of algorithmic providing. The majority of visual data algorithms were developed counting on realization on traditional, von Neumann architecture of calculators and demand essential efforts for realization on parallel structures and developments of special programming tools. In work the emphasis on researches in the area use FPGA is placed and a number of approaches in special preparation of necessary algorithmic is considered. As model, demonstration examples of use of nonconventional calculators realization of such algorithms of visual data processing which areactively used in a wide range of information support problems of purposeful movements of mobile robot is considered. Preparation and realization on FPGA of such algorithms as creation of histo-grams, an optical flow calculation, segmentation of images is described. Results of experiments are given in the operating models of airborne computers. As basic data the visual data collected at the movement of mobile means in the conditions of habitat are used. All used software is executed on the basis of the unified software framework of the real time vision systems of domestic devel-opment. In the conclusion further steps in the specified direction, taking into account aspiration to use of domestic software and hardware are discussed.


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