• V.P. Andreev Moscow State University of Technology «STANKIN» (MSTU «STANKIN»)
  • V.L. Kim Moscow State University of Technology «STANKIN» (MSTU «STANKIN»)
  • S.R. Eprikov The Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
Keywords: Modular robot, mobile robot, distributed control, bus topology, communication protocol, CAN, computer networks


In this paper, we consider the main problems associated with the need to integrate various robotic components into a single system while increasing the complexity of the navigation algo-rithms of mobile robots. The work aims to present a hierarchical modular architecture for reconfigurable mobile robots as a solution to the problems posed. In this architecture, a mobile robot is considered as a combination of modules, which in turn consist of simpler blocks - submodules. Each submodule includes a low-power microcontroller and is responsible only for the basic func-tions. A set of submodules forms a module - a transport platform, a robot leg, a manipulator, etc. Besides, one of the main objectives of the project is to provide a framework based on this architec-ture for rapid prototyping of robots from unified modules. The article describes the manufactured prototypes of the modules, briefly discusses the protocol of intermodular interaction of submodules connected by a CAN bus. The results of experiments on testing the protocol are presented and their analysis is given. The efficiency of the proposed solution limitations and a short plan of fur-ther actions for the implementation of the project are shown.


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