The aim of the research is to develop a complex of mathematical models that provide initial data for a mathematical model of the hybrid energy supply system for subsequent integration into the stand for debugging and maintenance. The work is a development of the previously published mathematical model of the functioning of the hybrid energy supply system of an autonomous un-derwater vehicle. In the work, based on the results of the analysis of the goals and objectives of modeling, mathematical models of electric power sources — a storage battery and an electro-chemical generator — are developed. Since control over the operating parameters of the battery and the electrochemical generator depends on the parameters of the vehicle’s movement, addi-tional mathematical models of the marching propulsion engine and the integrated control system of the vehicle have been developed. The external conditions for the functioning of the vehicle and the route task were set in a specially developed tactical situation simulator. Based on the theory of integrated hierarchical modeling with variable resolution, the most appropriate degree of detail of the developed mathematical models was determined. In view of the need to take into account the non-uniformity of gas blowing of fuel elements in an electrochemical generator, the mathematical model is based on solving a non-linear system of equations, including the Navier-Stokes equation, equations of conservation of momentum, energy and charge. When developing a mathematical model of the battery, the uneven charge of individual batteries was taken into account; The math-ematical model took into account the parameters of individual batteries according to their manu-facturer. The simulation results were the charge-discharge characteristics of the battery. In the mathematical model of the main consumer of electricity - the marching propulsion - the depend-ence of the generated thrust on the required speed of the vehicle is implemented, which allowed to obtain the amount of electricity consumed by the marching propulsion. In the mathematical model of an integrated control system, depending on the current position of the vehicle, motion control-lers are implemented to form control elements of the propulsion system, providing typical modes of maneuvering the vehicle. In addition, the control of the functioning parameters of the hybrid ener-gy supply system was implemented - switching of electric power sources, switching of battery charge processes. In the mathematical model of a tactical situation simulator, the possibilities of defining a route and external conditions are realized. In addition, a model of the vehicle movement was implemented taking into account the forces and moments acting on the vehicle. The developed complex of mathematical models, which provides the data with a mathematical model of the func-tioning of the hybrid energy supply system, can be used as a part of the stand for debugging and maintenance of an autonomous underwater vehicle.
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