• V.A. Gerasimov The Institute of the problems sea technology, Far eastern branch to Russian Academy of the sciences
  • A.V. Komlev The Institute of the problems sea technology, Far eastern branch to Russian Academy of the sciences
  • A.Y. Filozhenko The Institute of the problems sea technology, Far eastern branch to Russian Academy of the sciences
Keywords: Autonomous underwater vehicle, battery charge, contactless power transmission, high-frequency transformer, design parameters, flat magnetic cores, calculation method


The method of contactless underwater transmission of electricity to an autonomous under-water vehicle (AUV) for charging its rechargeable batteries has practically no alternative when organizing long underwater operation of the AUV. In such system, transformer with separated primary and secondary parts, which are separated by a constructive non-magnetic gap, deter-mined by the total thickness of the connecting walls, is used. The design and electromagnetic characteristics of the transformer significantly affect the overall system efficiency when perform-ing the main task - battery charge for a given time. The presence of a non-magnetic gap requires a special calculation procedure, for which the initial data should be the values of the AUV position-ing errors when underwater approaching the base, along with the parameters of the batteries charge process. The study task is the justification and development of a methodology for calculat-ing the design transformer parameters that meets the specified operating conditions. The research is based on mathematical modeling of electromagnetic processes in a transformer in the ANSYS Maxwell software package in combination with a full-scale experiment. The determining parame-ters in the form of the magnetic coupling coefficient and the winding relative magnetic permeabil-ity are founded; their use is justified for the complete identification of the studied transformer properties. A system of relative units is proposed in which the characterizing parameters have a constant value for cores connected by certain geometric relationships, which makes it easy to scale the results of the obtained technical solutions when changing the requirements for the transmitted electric power. As a result of research, a method for calculating the main design pa-rameters of transformers is proposed. The initial data in the calculation is taken as a combination of the required transformer electrical characteristics and its geometric relations when the re-quired restrictions are met for the permissible error of AUV automatic mooring to the dock-station. The results obtained apply to transformers with cup ferrite cores and with flat magnetic cores, which make it possible to form magnetic cores of the required sizes and configurations. The result of the calculation is the design of the transformer with electrical characteristics that best suit the conditions of its application. Experimental field studies convincingly confirm the correct-ness of the calculation method.


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