• V.Y. Zanin JSC “Oceanos”
  • А. М. Maevskiy JSC “Oceanos”
  • I.V. Kozhemyakin St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University
Keywords: поведенческие методы, i-AUV, behavior tree, control system


The aim of the study is the development of combined control systems by an autonomous un-derwater vehicle (AUV) of the intervention class and a manipulator complex installed on the AUV. Appliances of these types are an important component of underwater resident systems that allow you to expand the range of tasks performed by typical AUVs. The system is multi-level in nature, which allows to properly describe certain states and behavior of the device, depending on the task. The developed system is distinguished by its versatility and modularity, which implies the speed in setting up / adjusting the current tasks assigned to the AUV and the easy implementation and formation of additional tasks by the operator. As an example, we consider the problem associ-ated with the typical work of a resident AUV – sampling of soil fractions. The above results from field tests confirm the workability of the proposed approaches to control, taking into account ex-ternal non-deterministic perturbations of constant and monoharmonic effects. As part of the task, the process of forming the AUV states, transition commands between states, and the formation of a tree of device behavior is described. The scientific and practical novelty of the results presented in the article consists in the implementation of the first developed hardware-software complex for the AUV in the Russian Federation, which allows for the process of soil sampling in both automated and autonomous control modes.


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