• V.V. Kostenko Institute of Marine Technology Problems, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science
  • N.A. Naidenko Institute of Marine Technology Problems, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science
  • I.G. Mokeeva Institute of Marine Technology Problems, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science
  • A.Y. Tolstonogov Institute of Marine Technology Problems, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science
Keywords: Main propulsion, electric drive, propeller, mathematical model of propulsion, load tests, bollard mode characteristic, thrust control methods


The aim of the study is to assess advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for con-trolling thrust of main propulsions (MP) of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). The mathemat-ical model of the MP developed by IMTP FEB RAS was adopted as the object of study. It’s consist-ing of a set of models of an electric motor, propeller and thruster control unit. During the research the following tasks were solved: development of the mathematical model of a brushless motor with refine parameters based on results of its load tests; development of the mathematical model of a propeller based on its action curves determined in accordance with the PROPS model test regres-sion base; development of the mathematical model of an thruster control unit (TCU); simulation of reaction of the thruster for stepwise change of desired thrust with the open-loop regulation of elec-tromotive torque, with feedback on the frequency of rotation and on measured thrust. As the result of simulation main propulsion reaction on stepwise change of desired thrust in bollard pull mode it has been established that different types of thrust control are only differed in transient response time and static control error is almost non-existent for all types of control. Herewith, twofold de-crease in transient response time with thrust and frequency control was found over torque control. This is due to increased power consumption of the motor in the transition process. Modeling of the MP control at the counter flow caused by the movement of the underwater vehicle showed that the control with thrust feedback has the minimum static error and transient response time is compara-ble with the speed control.


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