Recently “fog computing” and technology of the industrial Internet of Things are actively developing. These technologies allow linking data services, distributing the load on available re-sources, processing large amounts of data in the networks, which is very important for monitoring in real-time and for medical databases. The technologies link together different types of smart sensors meteorological data, hydrological and biological monitoring data, physiological parame-ters of people in the coastal zone, mobile devices of the coastal population and important messag-es of users in social networks. This paper addresses the organization of data collection and pro-cessing in the system of monitoring and forecasting hazardous phenomena and ensuring the safety of the population and coastal infrastructure based on such digital economy technologies as foggy computing, industrial Internet of things and distributed registry. It is shown that in the framework of the implementation of the “combined” method of organizing the system previously proposed by the authors, it is possible to compare primary meteorological data, hydrological and biological monitoring data, human physiological parameters and text messages, photos and video from so-cial networks using the existing information infrastructure. A literature review and patent search were conducted, as a result of which the main types of data and sensors were identified, which are used in systems for monitoring and forecasting hazardous processes and ensuring public safety. It was suggested the method of monitoring of physiological parameters of people in the coastal zone for the monitoring system of forecasting hazardous processes. The method is proposed for moni-toring the physiological parameters of people living in the coastal zone.
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