• V.Kh. Pshikhopov R&D Institute of Robotics and Control Systems, Southern Federal University
  • A.R. Gaiduk Southern federal university
  • M.Y. Medvedev Southern federal university
  • D.N. Gontar Southern federal university
  • V.V. Solovjev Southern federal university
  • O.V. Martyanov Southern federal university
Keywords: Group control, mobile robots, calculation of a group robot, effectiveness of robot, task assignment


The problem of calculation of an autonomous robotic group in order to destroy the detected enemy group is considered. A group of robots must be formed in such a way that the task assigned to it to destroy the enemy group is performed with a high degree of probability. The task is solved as an assignment problem. The initial information for solving this problem are types and numberof objects of the detected enemy group, positions of the enemy objects, information about the war possibilities of the tools available in our group, the type of group being formed (robotic or mixed), the purpose of the operation, the actions of the group at the end of the operation. We propose a solution to the problem based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of individual robotic systems. The solution is formulated as a sequence of the four stages. At the first stage, the calculation of a priori effectiveness of each element of the detected enemy group is performed. At the second stage, based on expert assessments, the choice of efficiency coefficients for each of the available robotic systems against each element of the detected enemy group is made. At the third stage, a priori estimates of the effectiveness of the available robotic systems are corrected, taking into account the coefficients selected at the second stage. At the fourth stage, a group of robotic systems is formed in such a way that its total application efficiency exceeds the total application efficiency of the detected enemy by 2.0–2.5 times. The proposed method of forming a group allows you to cre-ate both quantitative and qualitative composition of the group. The article provides an example of the formation of a group whose goal is to neutralize an exposed enemy.


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