The article discusses the issues of assessing and monitoring the level of functioning of the motor control system of highly qualified athletes. The purpose of the article is to test the hypothe-sis about the influence of various factors on the body control system during the performance of movements of the follower type by athletes within the framework of the concept of internal models. A biomechanical complex with biological feedback Stabilan-02 (OKB "Rhythm", Taganrog) was used as an instrumental testing technique. A special testing program, as well as a developed algo-rithm for processing experimental data, made it possible to collect a significant database of the country's leading athletes over 10 years of observation. In this experiment, more than 100 athletes in biathlon and alpine skiing took part. The experimental data presented in the article show the influence of the selected factor of sports specialization on the change in indicators characterizing the level of coordination abilities of highly qualified athletes. The influence of the training process associated with the specifics of the main competitive exercise is shown. The results of the study showed that the developed methodology for evaluating and calculating data associated with sen-sorimotor corrections allows using it in the practice of the training process to monitor the state of the athletes' motion control system. Testing results by the proposed methodology allow to increase the efficiency of the training process management and significantly deepen the understanding of processes directly related to the technical training of athletes of various sports specialization and qualifications.
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