• M.V. Nikolaenko Rostov State Medical University
  • Е. А. Kizhevatova Rostov State Medical University
  • N.V. Drobotya Rostov State Medical University
Keywords: Cognitive impairment, arterial hypertension, electroencephalogram, neuroprotective therapy, prevention of dementia


Objective: to analyze electroencephalographic parameters in patients with hypertension and cognitive complaints receiving standard antihypertensive therapy, without concomitant cardiovas-cular disease, for the purpose of early diagnosis of brain damage as the main target organ in hy-pertension. Materials and methods: 135 people were examined (95 people with arterial hyperten-sion and 43 potentially healthy). The average age of patients is 63±8.2 years. As a result of the diagnosis, patients were distributed as follows: no cognitive impairment-82 people (60.7 %), mild cognitive impairment – 32 people (23.7 %), moderate cognitive impairment – 21 people (15.6 %). The studies were carried out on the apparatus "Encephalan-EEGR-19/26". Results: after the treatment, the majority of patients had a reduction of pre-reported complaints, an increase on the "Montreal scale" from 1 to 2 points, a decrease in anxiety and depression on the "Hospital scale", an increase in indices on SF-36. According to EEG data, there was an increase in the frequency of the main alpha rhythm and the total bioelectric power of the rhythm, the appearance of a pro-nounced spectral peak in the alpha range, a decrease in the power of the slow-wave rhythm in the anterior parts, which also indicates a positive dynamics that correlates with clinical data and test data. Conclusions: the study established the diagnostic value of quantitative processing of elec-troencephalogram (the frequency of the main rhythm, the power of the theta and Delta rhythms in the anterior parts, the total power of the b. e. a.), which suggest the need for additional therapy to standard antihypertensive treatment.


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