• V.Y. Vishnevetskiy Southern Federal University
  • A.V. Golda Southern Federal University
  • A.S. Sliva CJSC OKB RITM
Keywords: Vertical posture, stability, athletic, stabiloplatform, function of equilibrium


Maintaining a vertical posture, posture and coordination are the most important neurophysio-logical functions, the violation of which can indicate both neurological problems in the body and various injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Postural stability is the ability to keep the body in balance. Postural oscillation is defined as the constant deflection and correction of the center of gravity position as a result of the high center of gravity and low support of the base in the orthostatic position, which leads the body to unstable equilibrium. Together with the somatosensory and vestibu-lar systems, the visual system processes information about the relative position of body segments and the magnitude of the forces acting on the body needed to maintain balance. Without adequate inter-action between these systems, the body cannot acquire the ability to properly explore and interactwith the environment. It is shown that the position of the center of pressure, in some cases coinciding with the center of mass of the test object, plays an important role in the mechanisms of postural regu-lation. Possibility of application of technologies of stabilometry in sports of the highest achievements is investigated. The effectiveness of stabilometry methods in post-traumatic rehabilitation and adap-tation of athletes is noted. Studies were conducted on a group of children involved in the sports sec-tion of Taekwondo by the method of "Tolerance control" before and after training. The basic indica-tor in the technique is the indicator "quality of the balance function", which allows you to quickly assess the condition of the athlete. Based on the processing of experimental data, the dynamics of the quality of the equilibrium function is obtained and analyzed, on the basis of which it is possible to conclude about the objectivity of the equilibrium assessment and the high efficiency of this method applicable to the sport of higher achievements.


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