• M. V. Laguta Southern Federal University
  • A.Y. Varenikova Southern Federal University
  • N.N. Chernov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Non-linear parameter of an acoustic wave, ultrasound imaging, radiation parameters


The paper considers the choice of optimal acoustic wave parameters for ultrasonic im-aging based on nonlinear effects of its interaction with biological tissues. The changes of the second harmonic pressure at different values of the frequency and pressure of the first har-monic are calculated. As a model, the medium consisting of the following biological tissues was considered: adipose tissue, muscle tissue, whole liver, blood, pathological tissue (fi-broids). For adipose and muscle tissues, the calculation of the change in the acoustic wave rupture distance at different parameters of the probing pulse of the main frequency was car-ried out. The calculation of the distance of the gap was conducted in order to determine the most optimal ratio of the initial characteristics of the ultrasonic wave and a second harmonic of an acoustic signal, allowing you to visualize the distribution of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter.


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