• M.V. Laguta Southern Federal University
  • A.Y. Varenikova Southern Federal University
  • N.N. Chernov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Ultrasonic visualization, substitution method, acoustic field


It is known that ultrasonic methods of visualization of internal structures of biological ob-jects are safer in comparison with x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging and are characterized by fewer restrictions for conducting research. However, a significant disadvantage of such meth-ods is not high enough resolution. This is because most existing ultrasound diagnostic systems are based on the laws of linear acoustics. One of the promising areas of research is the development of methods for visualizing the internal structures of biological objects and determining the size and boundaries of inhomogeneities based on the nonlinear interaction of the acoustic field withbiological tissues. In this paper, we consider a method for improving the accuracy of the process of localization of heterogeneity in a biological object. To solve this problem, we use a replacement method based on calculating the ratio of the distribution of the pressure amplitude of the second-ary field of an acoustic wave that passed through a biological object that has pathological inclu-sions to the pressure of the secondary field of a wave that passed through a homogeneous medium with known nonlinear characteristics. The article presents an expression describing the distribu-tion of the acoustic pressure of the field of secondary sources, on the basis of which the calcula-tions were performed. For mathematical modeling, a model of a biological object consisting of muscle tissue and pathological inclusions (fibroids) was used. In the framework of this study, the ratio of the secondary field pressure change for this model and a homogeneous reference medium with known characteristics is calculated. The obtained data is presented in the form of contour graphs that reflect the location of the inhomogeneity. The results of the calculations showed a greater efficiency of using the substitution method for the process of determining the location of inhomogeneous inclusions in the bioobject model compared to visualization methods based on restoring the pressure distribution of the secondary acoustic field. It is shown that the use of the substitution method makes it possible to more accurately determine the boundaries of inhomogeneities. Therefore, the substitution method can be used to obtain projection data and restore the distribution of an acoustic nonlinear parameter in a flat section of a biological object.


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