The paper discusses the features of the use of acoustic transmitting parametric array for acoustic sensing of the vertical temperature distribution in the atmosphere. Known acoustic loca-tors used for these purposes have different directional characteristics at different frequencies. Parametric transmitting array due to the peculiarities of virtual array formation retain the same directivity characteristic at all frequencies of waves generated in the medium. However, the inho-mogeneity of the pump wave interaction medium affects the amplitude of the generated waves. Theaim of the work is to assess the influence of changes in the propagation velocity of acoustic waves at different ambient temperatures on the parameters of the waves formed as a result of interaction. The problem of determining the influence of sound velocity changes on the characteristics of a parametric array based on the solution of the Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov equation for inhomogeneous medium is posed. As inhomogeneities, the change in the velocity of acoustic waves propagation in a medium with temperature varying along the path of pump waves interaction is chosen. To solve this problem, the article considers the possible methods of acoustic determination of the vertical temperature distribution in the atmosphere, assesses the advantages and disad-vantages of existing methods and concludes that it is possible to use a radiating acoustic paramet-ric antenna to determine the vertical temperature distribution in the atmosphere. To determine the effect of change of speed of wave propagation on parametric antenna characteristics based on modified equations of Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov for heterogeneous environments pro-vides a solution that explicitly indicated the change in the propagation velocity along the wave propagation path is explicitly indicated. Estimates of the change are given and a conclusion is made about the insignificant influence on the amplitude of the generated signal.
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