• Y.B. Dubov TsAGI
  • M.V. Zhelonkin Moscow air institute
Keywords: Supermaneuvrability, short-range air battle, support of the pilot, maneuver, fighter intellectual support.


Application of regimes of supermaneuverability makes certain demands to onboard infor-mation support, a management system and ergonomic support. Maintenance of the modern highly-maneuverable aircrafts possessing a regime of supermaneuvrability, shows that application of the given regime at the solution of target tasks without «support of the pilot» appears ineffective. It is necessary to mark also that condition that in the conditions of the modern rapid air battle to the pilot is difficult enough to determine necessity and timeliness of usage of a regime of supermaneuvrability. In the article tasks which the airborne system of an informational-intellectual support of the pilot on regimes of supermaneuvrability for the purpose of formation and output of recommendations in the course of guiding of air battle should decide are considered. For a problem solving the airborne system should allocate the current position information and parameters of driving of participants of air battle («» and "another's") that should be supplied both onboard, and exterior means. On the basis of this information the task of the forecast of de-velopment of a situation is decided. On the basis of these data the task is decided according to the most vulnerable opponent and the opponent for "attack" or "defense" against it is recommended. According to a current situation application of a regime of supermaneuvrability is recommended and recommendations about deorbit shaping of speed to values at which this maneuver can be fulfilled, recommendations about change of a target range at the expense of offset of center of a tight turn are worked out. After fulfilment of these recommendations, according to the second point, at concurrence of parameters of relative motion of opponents to area of effective application of regimes of supermaneuvrability onboard produces a signal on fulfilment of a regime of supermaneuvrability and purpose attack. Results of researches on optimization of principles of formation of an airborne system of an informational-intellectual support of the pilot are resulted tasks which the given system should decide Are considered and possible versions of implementa-tion of the given system in an onboard complex of the modern fighters are presented.


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