• D.V. Mikhaylov «SRC SC & NC» Co Ltd
Keywords: Digital filter, adaptive filtering, digital filter stability, pipelined computing


At present, adaptive filters are widely used in various fields of technology: control systems, mobile communications, radar, etc. The main property of an adaptive system is time-varying func-tioning with self-regulation. The advantage of this functioning is the ability to timely adjust the system to change both the incoming signals and the conditions of the transmission medium during the operation of the device. If recursive filters are used in the implementation of adaptive systems, these systems get additional advantages: they require less equipment, allow you to achieve performance gains relatively non-recursive, achieve filter characteristics with fairly sharp transitions, etc. However, the use of recursive adaptive filters carries a risk of loss of stability when their characteristics change as a result of adaptation. Today, real-time digital signal processing re-quires a constant increase in computation speed, which necessitates the use of parallel computing. The most efficient parallelization method is pipelining computing. The introduction of pipeline registers in recursive filters can lead to a violation of the algorithm of the filter. This problem can be solved with the help of auto-substitution and resynchronization. A method for determining the stability of a recursive adaptive pipelined filter is proposed. It consists in the fact that we deter-mine the range in which the adaptive filter parameters change, and for each value in this range we find the degree of conveyorization at which all the poles of the transfer function of this filter lie inside the unit circle. Thus, pipelining serves not only to achieve high computational performance of the filter, but also to adjust its stability. This is especially true for adaptive filters, which can lose stability as a result of changes in their parameters during adaptation.


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