• M.Y. Kenzin IDSTU SB RAS
  • I.V. Bychkov IDSTU SB RAS
  • N.N. Maksimkin IDSTU SB RAS
Keywords: Autonomous vehicles, group control, rich vehicle routing problem, evolutionary algorithm


The use of coordinated groups of autonomous vehicles seems to be the most promising tech-nology that allows providing operational coverage of hard-to-reach big-scaled regions. At the same time, the task allocation and path-planning problem inevitably arise, as each vehicle in the group must be associated with a series of survey tasks in different areas of the region. The con-struction of a feasible and effective group route is a problem of high computational complexity even for the simple classical formulations with one type of constraint. The paper considers the dynamic routing problem for the group of autonomous vehicles when performing multi-attribute environmental monitoring. The group task here is the well-timed observation of a given set of ob-jects according to the given schedule and specified set of requirements. These requirements may come in various combinations of spatial, temporal or functional constraints. Such routing prob-lems, which combines a whole range of restrictions and requirements of various nature, are pri-marily classified as rich or multi-attribute routing problems. These extended formulations aimed at more accurate real-world problems modeling nowadays are both insufficiently studied and of great scientific research interest. We propose using decentralized hybrid evolutionary approach for the efficient generation of feasible group routes. The proposed approach includes a number of specialized heuristics, advanced local search procedures, and additional solution improvement schemes. Dynamic adjustment of the algorithm’s internal parameters in real time provides the maximum efficiency of the computational procedure both for each specific set of conditions and at each stage of the calculation. The proposed scheme of the evolutionary algorithm demonstrates the high quality results on a large set of test problems, including problems with a high degree of еру objects set heterogeneity.


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