• E.S. Briskin Volgograd State Technical University
  • Y.V. Kalinin Volgograd State Technical University
  • M.V. Miroshkina Volgograd State Technical University
Keywords: Underwater mobile robot, multileg walking machine, the gait of multileg walking machine, optimality criterion for energy consumption, energy consumption, rms acceleration


The problem of determining the programmed modes of motion in walking underwater mo-bile robots at the stage of transfer to a new position and overcoming obstacles is considered. Ob-stacles are considered to be of a known height, an infinitely small width and located at a certain distance from the initial position of the robot’s foot on the ground. Obstacles are identified by the information-measuring system. The methods of forming the programmed mode of movement of the transported foot are analyzed. The problem of development of movement based on information about the ground profile is considered. Methods to eliminate impact interaction and slippage of feet on the ground are discussed. The system of differential equations of motion of the transported foot is made, taking into account the resistance forces of the medium. Resistance forces are taken linearly dependent on speed, physical and mechanical properties of the medium when the feet are taking off, are not taken into account. The movement of the body is considered as translational with a rectilinear and uniform movement of the center of mass. An optimality criterion of the movement of the transported foot as a material point is formed, consisting of several integral indi-cators of the quality of the movement (the level of heat loss in the drive motors, the rms horizontal and vertical acceleration of the foot of the mover, etc.). The variational problem is solved at two stages of motion. The first stage is the movement before reaching the obstacle, the second stage is the movement after overcoming the obstacle before laying on the ground. The extension of the variational problem of determining the minimum of quality indicators as functions depending on the parameters of movement: the time to reach the obstacle and the speed of transfer of the foot through the obstacle is justified. The model problem is stated and solved, and the results are ana-lyzed. The laws of the influence of speed and modes of movement of the foot on indicators of quality of movement are established. The definition of the program mode is based on the choice of the optimality criterion, composed of various integral indicators of the quality of movement. The graphs of changes in quality indicators, depending on the speed of movement, are presented. Their characteristic feature is a decrease in the efficiency of movement with increasing speed. Therefore, the mode of movement should be chosen on the basis of a compromise between speed and indicators taken into account.


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