• Y.S. Pikaliov State institute «Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems»
  • T. V. Yermolenko Donetsk National University
Keywords: Automatic speech recognition, hidden markov models, gaussian mixture models, discriminative learning, informative acoustic features, deep neural networks


In this paper proposed is a technology of increasing the robustness of an acoustic model in the problem of speech recognition using deep machine learning. This technology is based on the use of informative acoustic features extracted from hierarchical neural network models, as well as on hybrid acoustic models trained on the basis of machine deep learning using a discriminative ap-proach. The conditions in which automatic speech recognition systems operate almost never coincide with the conditions in which acoustic models were trained. The consequence is that the constructed models are not optimal for these conditions. The following factors influence the speech signal: addi-tive noise; voice path and manner of speaking the speaker; reverberation; amplitude-frequency char-acteristic of the microphone and transmission channel; Nyquist filter signal conversion and quantiza-tion noise. The proposed technology is aimed at increasing the stability of the model to the above factors. One way to increase the robustness of a model is to extract informative acoustic features from phonograms obtained using neural networks. As acoustic features, chalk-skeptal coefficients, their first and second derivatives, as well as perceptual linear prediction coefficients are used. An informative feature extraction scheme is proposed, consisting of three connected neural network blocks with a narrow neck (with contexts of 2, 5, and 10 frames), as well as a ResBlock block, which is based on the ResNet-50 architecture. An additional transformation using ResBlock allows you to define patterns that have a big impact on the model, i.e., are key features. The presented neural net-work architecture for classifying phonemes consists of layers of a neural network with time delays, a bi-directional neural network with long short-term memory, using the attention mechanism. The input features for this neural network are bank filters transformed using linear discriminative analysis and features extracted from the neural network. A feature of this approach is that high model ac-curacy (ensuring good class separability) is achieved, unlike end-to-end systems, without the use of a voluminous training set of audio data. In addition, this model is invariant to changes in input features. A series of numerical experiments were conducted for the task of recognizing Russian speech using the VoxForge and SpokenCorpora speech bodies. The experimental results demon-strate a high accuracy of recognition of Russian speech.


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