• А. К. Melnikov STC CLSC «InformInvestGroup»
Keywords: Probability, statistics, exact distribution, exact approximation, type order vector, linear equation, algorithmic complexity


In the paper we review relative algorithmic complexity of exact probability distributions, calculated for statistics values, and their exact approximations. As exact approximations for prob-ability distributions of statistics values, we consider their Δexact distributions, which differ from exact distributions by an indefinitely small a priori specified value Δ. We demonstrate that the calculation method for exact probability distributions of statistics values is based on enumeration of the elements from the solutions searching range of the linear equation, composed of type order vectors. Here, each item of the enumeration is the number of occurrences of the elements of a cer-tain type in the analysed sample. At the same time, we apply a method, which limits the solution searching range, for calculation of exact approximations for probability distribution of statistics values. Besides, we present partition of parameters region into nonintersecting ranges of limit and exact distributions, and we consider probability distributions of statistics values for them. The parameters are the sample size and the alphabet cardinality. Relative algorithmic complexity of exact probability distributions for statistics is estimated according to the parameters of the upper limit of the exact distributions range, specified by the Fisher equation. To estimate algorithmic complexity of exact approximations for probability distribution of statistics values, we use a pa-rameter, which limits the searching range of linear equation solutions. The parameter consists of type order vectors. Besides, we use the statistic value of the maximum frequency. The probability of exceeding of this value is less than the indefinitely small a priori specified value Δ. We give examples of calculation of the parameter, which limits the solutions searching range of a types order linear equation, for the sample size and alphabet cardinality, related by the Fisher formula. The Fisher formula defines the interface between parameters of exact and limit distributions. We demonstrate limitation of solutions searching range of a type order linear equation for the alphabet cardinality equal to 3. We also give values of the proportion of the algorithmic complexi-ty of exact distributions of statistics values to the algorithmic complexity of their exact approxima-tions for the alphabet cardinality from 2 to 256, and for the sample sizes which fulfil the Fisherformula. We show, that the algorithmic complexity for exact probability distributions of statistics values exceeds the complexity of their exact approximations by several orders of magnitude, and this proportion increases with the alphabet cardinality.


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