The problem of high-level design of complex functional circuits and systems intended for implementation in the form of VLSI is considered. The basic shortcomings of existing approaches are revealed and a conceptually new method of project synthesis is proposed. The method is based on the functional-streaming paradigm of parallel computing, it allows for implementation of an architecture-independent development of algorithms for VLSI operation. A computation model is proposed that uses a number of intermediate structures, namely, control, information, and HDL graphs. The requirements for the language of functional-streaming programming and, taking into account the specifics of the tasks to be solved, the language is selected and modified. The descrip-tion of the key points in the semantics of the language, the principles of parallelism transformation and the formation of intermediate representations in the transition to the target platform are given. The route and algorithm of high-level synthesis has been developed. The basic requirements for the creation of architecture-independent tools are identified, software tools are implemented, and a number of test projects are executed.
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