• E.D. Pometun State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Donetsk National University”
  • N.I. Bolonov State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Donetsk National University”
  • V.V. Belousov State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Donetsk National University”
  • V.N. Lebedev State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Donetsk National University”
  • P. S. Gelashvili State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Donetsk National University”
Keywords: The hot-wire anemometer, calibration characteristic, step test signal, time constant


The study of the main processes taking place in the atmosphere is of considerable interest to
science. Monitoring of physical processes in most cases is carried out using an instrumental method
based on the introduction of a measuring probe into the test medium, which is widely used hot-wire
transducers. The aim of this work is to identify and analyze the sources of errors of measurement the
results obtained using a constant temperature hot-wire anemometer in turbulent gas flows and develop
recommendations for minimizing them. The article discusses the sources of errors that arise when
measuring a constant temperature in a turbulent gas flow with an anemometer, as well as suggestions
for minimizing them. The considered sources of errors are conventionally divided into two
types. Errors of the first type are due to the use of incorrect algorithms for processing the output
signal of the hot-wire anemometer, and of the second type due to the features of the sensor in the
feedback system. It is determined that in order to eliminate the error of the first type, it is necessary to
exclude integrating circuits in the hot-wire anemometer circuit, which weaken the amplitude of turbulent
pulsations. An error of the second type arises due to the asymmetric reaction of the hot-wire
anemometer to increase and decrease the flow rate, i.e. for heating and cooling the sensing element
(sensor). The second type of error depends on the flow rate, turbulence intensity, and velocity pulsation
spectrum. As well as the error of the first type, the compensation of this error requires special
technical solutions in the development of the electronic circuit of the hot-wire. To solve this problem,
the dynamic characteristics of the hot-wire under dynamic conditions were investigated using an
aerodynamic bench creating a stratified airflow simulating a step test signal by rapidly moving a
constant temperature sensor the hot-wire between two streams. The results can be used to develop
devices and programs for measurements in turbulent flows.


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