• V. V. Petrov Southern Federal University
  • A. P. Starnikova Southern Federal University
Keywords: Nanostructures, zinc oxide, zinc oxide nanorods, electrical resistance, gas flow rate


It is known that nanostructured materials based on oxide semiconductors have great potential for
practical application. In particular, zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures are used to manufacture sensitive
elements of gas sensors, photo and piezoelectric transducers, and energy harvesters. Oxide semiconductors
have a significant temperature dependence of resistance. In this regard, an experimental and theoretical assessment was made of the effect of the gas flow rate on the resistance of a sensor element based
on an array of ZnO nanorods. It was shown that a sensitive element based on an array of ZnO nanorods
can be used to measure low gas flow rates. Arrays of ZnO nanorods were grown on a glass substrate
using chemical technologies and had a predominantly vertical orientation with a height of 590–660 nm
and an average transverse size of about 30–40 nm. Contact metallization of V-Cu-Ni with a thickness of
0.2–0.3 μm was deposited on top of the nanorods. Subsequently, the dependences of the resistance of the
formed sensitive element on temperature and on the air flow rate were measured. It was shown that
when an air stream is supplied with a speed from 0 to 12.5 cm3/s to a sensitive element heated to 200 °С,
its resistance increases linearly up to 20 %. Calculations based on the temperature dependence of the
resistance showed that such an increase in the resistance of the sensitive element corresponds to a decrease
in the temperature of ZnO nanorods by 4 degrees. Theoretical estimates showed that the reason
for the increase in resistance is a decrease in the temperature of the free ends of ZnO nanorods by several
degrees when they are blown by an air stream


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