• I. V. Malyshev Southern Federal University
  • E.N. Osadchy Southern Federal University
Keywords: Effective mass of charge carriers, drift velocity and diffusion coefficient, output conductivity and current density, electric field strength, magnetic induction


Based on the analysis of the main dispersion-dependent mechanisms describing the behavior
of the effective mass under the action of strong electric fields (EF) in the volume of AIIIBV –
type semiconductors, a generalized relation is obtained for the dependence of this charge carriers
effective mass on energy. Further application of this relation in the phenomenological theory for
the drift-diffusion model including the heating and drift equations, as well as when the action of a
strong magnetic field is orthogonal with respect to the drift direction, made it possible to represent
all the relations in component form for the longitudinal and transverse coordinates. This idea
made it possible to identify a number of new effects, among which the most significant are the following:
from the obtained frequency response and phase response of the output conductivity of a particular
volumetric structure, it was found that it is possible to select the required constant field strength
value that provides the required mode of operation of devices on such structures in a given frequency
range; with increasing magnetic field (MF) induction, an increase in the velocity value occurs along
the drift direction, and then falling sections appear on the drift induction characteristic in the transverse
direction, which indicates the possibility of using this effect to create nonlinear induction active
elements; the amplitude dependences of constant and variable diffusion coefficients were found,
which can be defined as the “volume diffusion detector effect”. It was also revealed for the first time
that the components of the drift velocity and the diffusion coefficient along the longitudinal axis of the
drift direction do not depend on the transverse MF, but are determined only by the longitudinal EF
along this direction, and the transverse component of the drift velocity at strong values of the MF
induction B>4 T, shows a shift the beginning of the falling section on the drift (current-voltage)
characteristic decreases (by 2 times), which indicates the discovered new "Gunn effect controlled by
the magnetic field." In this case, a decrease in the value of the threshold field strength of the Gunn
effect from 4 to 2 KV / cm will increase the efficiency of the volume diode by 50 %. The fundamental
possibility of creating two-dimensional devices for frequency conversion (autodyne type mixers)
and magnetically sensitive detectors has been revealed.


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