• А. А. Geldash Southern Federal University
  • М. М. Eryomenko Southern Federal University
  • V.S. Klimin Southern Federal University
  • N. E. Chernenko Southern Federal University
  • J. Y. Jityaeva Southern Federal University
  • V. N. Dzhuplin Southern Federal University
Keywords: Molecular beam epitaxy, GaAs, thin films, two-stage technology, optoelectronic devices


The aim of this work is to develop manufacturing technology, the formation and study of
GaAs/Si heterostructures created by a two-stage method, as well as comparison with GaAs/Si
heterostructures obtained by a one-stage method. In this work, we study the two-stage growth
regimes of GaAs/Si heterostructures obtained by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), which can be
used as the basis for creating elements of optoelectronics. The morphology of the surface of
GaAs/Si heterostructures and structures created using embedded layers (buffer layers) were studied.
According to the results of the morphology of the surface of the GaAs layer, it was revealed
that the surface of the sample created by the single-stage technology was formed by single-crystal
GaAs cells with sizes 1.5x2 μm. At the same time, the surface of the sample formed by the twostage technique has smaller GaAs single crystals with sizes of 250x250 nm. In the first and second
cases, the films consist of separate single-crystal blocks, which in the process of growth merged with
each other, forming a continuous film, with a certain surface roughness coefficient, which is visible
from SEM images. Technological conditions for the deposition of GaAs films by the MBE method on
Si, as well as the SiO2 layer on Si obtained by plasma-chemical deposition in an inductively coupled
plasma, have been developed. Windows were formed in the SiO2 layer by photolithography and
chemical etching with a diameter of 4 μm. The methods of two-stage and one-stage growth of GaAs
on Si are compared. The distribution of the surface potential was studied, and a band energy model
was constructed. The current-voltage characteristics of the obtained GaAs/Si heterostructures under
the influence of radiation and in the dark were constructed and studied. During the study of the samples,
it was found that heterostructures grown by the two-stage growth technique have a photosensitivity,
which is especially pronounced with ultraviolet radiation, at a wavelength of light radiation of
about 400 nm. The results of the study suggest the promise of using GaAs/Si heterostructures created
by the two-stage growth technique as the basis for creating optoelectronic devices.


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