• S.P. Malyukov Southern Federal University
  • A. V. Saenko Southern Federal University
  • J. V. Klunnikova Southern Federal University
  • S. S. Zinoviev Southern Federal University
  • D. V. Timoshchenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Storage device, hard magnetic disks, perpendicular method of recording information, ferromagnetic films, magnetron sputtering system, Co-Cr film research


We consider the problem of increasing the volume of hard magnetic disks (HDD) memory. The
key place in the series of external computer storage devices is occupied by hard disk, because the
volume of information storage in them is constantly growing. We analyze the methods of information
recording for HDD. Thin magnetic film is the storage medium in hard disks. Thin-film technology is
mainly used for thin films formation. We consider the main principles of choosing the ferromagnetic
film composition based on the technical requirements for a hard magnetic disk, its geometric and
functional features. The comparative characteristics of various methods for thin films producing are
given. Nowadays the method of magnetron sputtering is intensively developed, providing controlled
sputtering of thin layers with the required parameters. When the target of the magnetron sputtering
device is used repeatedly, an erosion zone is formed in it, which directly affects the sputtering rate of
the material (film thickness). The thin film thickness decrease leads to a deterioration in the electrical
resistivity, i.e. to the irreproducibility of the required characteristics and parameters. We consider
the advantages of the magnetron sputtering method. The choice of coating materials that ensure the
performance of hard magnetic disks is the main factor for the technological design of magnetron
sputtering processes. We analyze the possibility of using Co-Cr pheromagnetic films for hard magnetic disks. The dependences of the influence of the substrate material on the magnetic properties of
ferromagnetic films, the effect of the deposition rate of Co films by magnetron sputtering on the coercive
force of ferromagnetic films, and the effect of the temperature of the substrate on the properties
of Co-Cr films are defined. We present the main parameters of the coating process by magnetron
sputtering for various ferromagnetic materials. The samples based on Co-Cr thin magnetic films
meet modern requirements in terms of increasing the recording density of hard magnetic disks. The
large coercive forces and values of relative remanent magnetization can be achieved in them.


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