The most simple and effective way to modify the characteristics of solar cells is the use of functional coatings. This way allows increasing the efficiency of solar cells without modifying the design and changing the technology of their production. The most promising may be the use of multifunctional coatings, which at the same time would combine the properties of antireflection coatings and allow to expand the spectral sensitivity and increase the quantum yield of solar cells. Such functional coatings can be created on the basis of polymer films with metal nanoparticles. Silver metallic nanoparticles are promising for use in functional coatings for silicon solar cells, since they produce surface plasmons, which in turn can create fluctuations in the surface charge density at the interface with the dielectric polymer film. Thus, a functional coating, which is a polymer film with silver nanoparticles distributed in it, can combine the protective function, the antireflection effect of the polyvinyl butyral polymer film, and the plasmon effect of silver nanoparticles, which will ulti-mately improve the characteristics of the solar cell. In the present work, polyvinyl butyral films with silver nanoparticles were obtained on the surface of solar cells and the effect of this functional coat-ing on the characteristics of a silicon solar cell was studied. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of the functional coatings with silver nanoparticles on the spectral characteristics of silicon solar cells. The spectral dependences of the external quantum yield of a silicon solar cell at various concentrations of silver nanoparticles in a polyvinyl butyral film are presented. It was found that the highest values of the external quantum yield of a solar cell (22.3% higher than the value of the ex-ternal quantum yield of a solar cell without functional coating) in the spectral range 540-1040 nm were recorded at a silver nanoparticles concentration of 7 mmol/L.
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