A significant expansion of the functional capabilities of the pneumatic drive, ensuring the opera-tion of various technological equipment, is achieved by introducing the precise organization of control of its elements into the pneumatic system. However, despite the modern development of methods of the theory of automatic control, which have found application in various technical fields and fields of sci-ence, the task of synthesizing the laws of control is still a complex, ambiguous and requiring creative approach to its solution. Currently, research is being conducted in this direction by both Russian and foreign scientists using the classical linear laws of control, the optimal control methodology, as well as the modern apparatus of fuzzy logic and neural networks. The aim of this work is to develop an astatic nonlinear synergistic controller to suppress disturbing effects arising in electro-pneumatic systems. The synthesis of control actions was carried out using the method of analytical design of aggregated controllers, which is part of the concept of synergetic control theory. The starting materi-al for the study is the mathematical model and parameters of the Camozzi pneumatic cylinder of the QCT2A032A200 series. The synthesis of synergistic control laws is based on the method of analytical design of aggregated controllers and the representation of the behavior of the system in phase space. The essence of the method is to choose the regions of attraction - invariant manifolds of the system, falling on which the system will inevitably move towards a given control goal. The control laws ob-tained by an analytic method, by jointly solving the introduced macro-variable and functional equations, guarantee the asymptotic stability of the closed system, as well as the achievement of the desired control goals - invariants while suppressing disturbing influences. The resulting control actions were simulated in the Maple. The obtained graphs of changes in phase variables indicate the adequacy of the synthe-sized astatic control law and its suppressive perturbation property. The results can be used in the pro-cess of setting up programmable logic controllers for high-precision energy-saving control of pneumatic drives, and further experimental research.
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