The Traditional structure power source has three levels: rectifier; the patch of the factor to powers (KKM); pulsed insulated DC/DC source. Such structure can be not used in power source for systems on crystal (SoC) on two main reasons:1) in SNK it is impossible place the electrolytic capacitors (EK), as well as ceramic capacitors (KK) to big capacity; 2) appear the difficulties at realization of the pulsed radio-frequency transformer DC/DC source with re-quired turn ratio. In work is shown that introduction to structure fourth level on base linear stabilizer without output electrolytic capacitor (NoCap) avoids the first reason, but require-ments on turn ratio remain former. This is connected with that that stabilizers of the type NoCap have a non-standard input voltages, which little differ from output (the difference forms 100–200 mB). In work is given motivation to need of the introduction fifth and sixth level of the structure in the manner of pulsed DC/DC sources. The Main part DC/DC source fifth level can take seats with SNK, but required for his work choke will be an outboard element SoC. In arti-cle is shown that efficient use stabilizers type NoCap possible only when performing it is enough hard conditions on stability their input voltages.
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