The article considers an approach to the organization of resource allocation in the data collection system for the task of creating a complex of perimeter protection of objects of large territorial extent, taking into account the likely presence of various threats and the need to mon-itor the management of objects group based on changing goals. The principles of data descrip-tion system creation are considered. The data description system contains a database and mod-eling and control subsystems. The modeling subsystem of the perimeter security system allows to solve the problem of planning the joint action of objects of the protected area. The descrip-tion of subsystem of modeling of interaction of technical means and objects of the protected territory is resulted. The approach to modeling subsystem of interaction of technical means and objects of the protected area on the basis of new fuzzy hypergraphic model where actors act as vertices is shown. In the framework of this study, an actor is understood as some object or sub-ject, capable of entering into an information network interaction. In the proposed model, actors are dangerous production facilities or their partial representation, protection modules and po-tential violators. The article considers the results of the software implementation of the perime-ter security system database, designed to store and update information about the objects of the security system and threats from potential violators. The perimeter security database is based on the Microsoft Windows Azure cloud storage platform. The scheme of interaction between the database of the perimeter security system and the modeling subsystem is proposed. The ap-proaches implemented in the article allow us to organize the interaction of a modeling sub-system based on the proposed hypergraphic model and a database created using standard SQL database technologies, where in addition to the traditional parameters of objects, the geograph-ical position and General geometry of the object are added.
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