• A. V. Pomazanov Southern Federal University
  • S.S. Shibaev Southern Federal University
  • D. P. Volik Southern Federal University
Keywords: Acoustooptics, acousto-optic cymometer, acousto-optic deflector, Fourier objective lens, photo receiving unit, diffraction, AO measurer, laser, photo diode linear sensor, teleobjective lens, aberration


Acousto-optic (AO) methods of information processing have now been widely used in different engineering domains. Their usage is getting more actual with developing new technologies and materi-als. AO cymometers as a kind of acousto-optic measurers of radoisignals parameters have firmly been taking their place in equipmentof parameters estimation because of unique characteristics: multisignal mode, frequency resolution, comparably small mass and sizes, power consumption at acceptable dy-namic range and frequency accuracy. These devices are capable to practically immediately replace radiosignal from time domain to frequency one, and find applications in systems of passive radiocontrol where as important parameters are counted not only frequency range, frequency resolution, frequency and phase accuracy, but also power consumption, mass and sizes which are relevant in portative and space measuring complexes. At these reasons in many countries the AO measurers have been success-fully utilized. One of the tasks being solved in AO development is analysis of design and implementation possibility of these devices on the base of domestic electronic components. For solving this task, collab-orators of “Nanophotonics and optoelectronics” laboratory of Southern federal university have devel-oped and examined the prototype of AO cymometer, meeting required technical needs. Suggested the new structure and design method of two-channel AO cymometer. Given the optical diagram calculation, simulation and experimental results of the AO cymometer. Has been shown that two-channel AO meas-urer structure allows to implement needed technical requirements to AO cymometers at such paramemters as mass, sizes, amplitude-frequency response nonuniformity. Theoretical calculations and modeling have been confirmed with results of experimental examinations of AO cymometer prototype built in compliance with documentation.


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