• A. H. Adzhiev High-Mountain Geophysical Institute
  • Z.M. Kerefova High-Mountain Geophysical Institute
  • А.А. Cherkesov High-Mountain Geophysical Institute
  • G.V. Kupovykh Southern Federal University
Keywords: Global electric circuit, charged particles, electric field, Earth's atmosphere, flash plasma, solar wind speed, solar wind


The solar wind has a strong influence primarily on the outer shells of the Earth – the mag-netosphere and the ionosphere, and as a result, the potential difference between the ionosphere and the earth's surface. The solar wind is a stream of fully ionized hydrogen gas (plasma) with approximately the same density of electrons and protons, which moves with acceleration from the sun. The effects of solar-terrestrial connections can have a noticeable, and sometimes a major influence on the dynamics of daily and seasonal variations in the field of the surface atmosphere. The purpose of the work is to identify the effect of the solar wind on the dynamics of daily and seasonal variations of the electric field in the surface atmosphere. The paper presents the results of the performed analysis of the interrelationships of the daily variation of the solar wind charac-teristics (solar wind velocity values, ion concentrations) and the electric field strength of the sur-face atmosphere. The variations of the electric field in the surface layer of the atmosphere during the day are due to both global and local factors. Their contribution to diurnal and seasonal varia-tions in the electric field of the atmosphere has not been studied enough. Long-term ground-based observations of variations in the parameters of atmospheric electricity are an important experi-mental basis for modern research. To measure the daily variations in the atmospheric electric field intensity, this work used a hardware-software complex to measure and transmit to the central server the values of the atmospheric electric field strengths at the Cheget peak. Monitoring in the highland areas is characterized by the fact that the anthropogenic component in the formation of the electric field of the atmosphere is practically excluded.


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