• L. K. Babenko Southern Federal University
  • I. A. Pisarev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Electronic voting, cryptographic protocols, cryptographic protection, security verification of cryptographic protocols


The development of electronic voting systems is a complex and urgent task. The security of any system using networking is based on cryptographic protocols. Their quality is checked using formal verification tools. However, formal verification tools work with protocols in an abstract form of the Alice-Bob format, which does not allow fully checking the protocol for all kinds of attacks. In addition, when implementing the protocol in practice using any programming lan-guage, it is possible to change this protocol with respect to its original form. As a result, it turns out that the abstract initial form of the protocol, which was verified by means of formal verifica-tion, is considered safe, but the modified implemented protocol, having a different look, can no longer be considered safe. Thus, it is relevant to verify the cryptographic protocol of the electronic voting system using source codes. The paper described the electronic voting system using multiple casting of ballots. A parser for extracting the structure of a cryptographic protocol is described, with the help of which the structure of the voting protocol was obtained. The cryptographic proto-col of electronic voting was translated using multiple casting of ballots into the CAS + specifica-tion language for the Avispa automated verifier to verify the security of the protocol.


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