• E. A. Maro Southern Federal University
Keywords: Satisfiability problem of Boolean formulas, algebraic cryptanalysis, PRESENT encryption algorithm, substitution block, S-box


In matters of information security an important task is the development of methods for as-sessing security of confidential information. For many information protection systems information security assessment can be reduced to finding solutions of Boolean nonlinear equations systems and analyzing the complexity of various methods for solving such systems (algebraic analysis method). Algebraic methods of analysis are applied, for example, to the following tasks arising in the field of ensuring information security: – audit of the state of the protected object; – checking the correct functioning of programs; – analysis of the reliability of systems for protecting confi-dential information (including using cryptographic algorithms). This article presents proposed approach to the application of satisfiability problem (SAT) solvers for analyzing the reliability of block encryption algorithms, using as an example the lightweight encryption standard – PRESENT cipher. The research of the reliability of cryptographic algorithms for algebraic analysis methods consists in representing the encryption algorithm as a system of non-linear equations that connects the secret encryption key with plaintexts and ciphertexts. As a method for solving a nonlinear sys-tem of equations, paper considers the method of reducing to the search for performing sets of cor-responding SAT problem. For 3 rounds of the PRESENT encryption algorithm (using 6 known pairs of texts) a secret encryption key was found in 1005.68 sec. (search of the satisfiable value took 5.01 sec.). For 4 rounds of the PRESENT encryption algorithm, (using 8 known pairs of texts) 16 possible encryption keys were found in 3268.42 sec. (it took 527.51 seconds to find all the satis-fiable sets). A technique is proposed for assessing the reliability of symmetric block ciphers based on SAT-solutions using SAT-solvers Plingeling and CaDiCaL. Estimates of the reliability of cryp-tographic algorithms of information security obtained on the basis of algebraic analysis methods should be taken into account throw developing new and improving existing cryptographic systems.


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