• V.M. Kureichik Southern Federal University
  • J. A. Logunova Southern Federal University
Keywords: The memetic algorithm, traveling salesman problem, cloud computing, mutation, replication, inversion, the local search procedure


This work relates to the field of artificial intelligence solving problems. It considers the traveling salesman problem, which is actively used in practice in logistics, sociology, intellectual design, robotics, to solve search engine optimization problems and many other areas of engineer-ing activity. The traveling salesman problem is fundamental, in view of its theoretical and practical importance. Since it is NP-complete, a solution is sought in a space growing exponentially from n. The development of new methods for its solution and modification of existing ones remains an urgent task for researchers. When solving the traveling salesman problem of large dimension, it is advisable to use various approximate methods for finding its solution. The purpose of this study is to develop a hybrid memetic algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem and test its effectiveness on modern benchmarks. The memetic algorithms belong to the class of evolution-ary solution methods, which in the general case prove their effectiveness in solving complex opti-mization problems. The main methodological basis for the study is the general theory of evolution-ary computing. The peculiarity of this work is that its verification was carried out using cloud computing on the Internet, which significantly increased computing power and reduced data pro-cessing time. The running time of the algorithm was , where n is the number of cities (verti-ces of the graph). A special program was developed, and a computational experiment was con-ducted on the following benchmarks: Pr76, kroD100, Pr152, Pr439, Pr1002, опубликованных в современной зарубежной литературе. For the problem Pr 76 and Pr152, the results of the solution coincided with the best-known solutions. The developed algorithm has shown its effective-ness for solving the traveling salesman problem with up to 5000 vertices. The results of the study almost coincided with theoretical assumptions.


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