Ionizing radiation leads to the occurrence of short-term disturbances in the performance of
electronic equipment, so-called soft errors. This type of failure was mainly considered in the context
of storage devices and memory elements. However, the intensive development of the microelectronic
industry leads to an increase in the number of soft errors in combinational areas, and
may soon lead to the fact that the frequency of occurrence of soft errors in these areas will be
comparable to the frequency in unprotected memory elements. Today, there are many different
methods to deal with the consequences of soft errors: traditional methods of N-fold modular redundancy,
methods that enhance the masking properties of the circuit, the use of various control
tools based on the theory of noise-resistant coding, etc. However, basically, most of the methods
presented lead to the appearance of large structural redundancy. As a result, there is a need to
develop the new methods to deal with the consequences of soft errors. This article discusses the
use of special control tools – concurrent error detection (CED) circuits based on a low-density
code in order to increase the fault tolerance of combination circuits. The use of such a CED allows
single error correction due to the majority decoding method. When compared with the triple
modular redundancy method in terms of parameters such as logical sensitivity and structural redundancy,
the application of the obtained CED can be some compromise solution to the problem
of the circuit fault tolerance to the occurrence of soft errors.
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