The paper deals with the main problem of artificial intelligence - the development of effective
new and modified heuristic mechanisms for finding the optimal solution. Currently, one of the
promising areas for the development of artificial intelligence is the use of methods and models of
the behavior in biological systems for solving NP-complete and NP-difficult optimization problems.
The article considers one of the urgent problems of the design of ultra-large-scale integrated
circuits (VLSI) - the problem of placement. Presented is the formulation of the problem of placement
of elements of VLSI. The task of locating the VLSI elements is proposed to be solved on the
basis of the behavior of biological systems in nature, using the wolf pack algorithm as an example.
Wolves are typical social animals that have a clear division of social work. Presents the actions
and rules of behavior of the wolf pack in wildlife. Based on the presented rules and actions of
wolves, a modified algorithm of the wolf pack is described. The advantage of the developed modified
algorithm is the possibility of improving each subsequent stage of solving the placement problem.
As part of the work, the wolf pack algorithm was implemented in Java. Famous IBM benchmarks
were used as test patterns. Comparisons were made with the results of the work of wellknown
algorithms: Capo 8.6, Feng Shui 2.0, Dragon 2.23. Based on the research, the algorithm
developed by the wolf pack showed higher results compared to peers.
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