• L.A. Gladkov Southern Federal University
  • N. V. Gladkova Southern Federal University
  • S. N. Leiba Southern Federal University
Keywords: Optimization design problems, multi-agent system, evolutionary design, fuzzy control, parallel computing, fuzzy logic controller


The integrated approaches to solving optimization problems of computer-aided design of digital
electronic computing equipment circuits are discuss. The relevance and importance of developing
new effective methods for solving such problems is emphasized. The important direction in the development
of optimization methods is the development of hybrid methods and approaches that combine
the merits of various methods of computational intelligence is noted. It has been suggested that hybridization
allows one to achieve a “synergistic effect” when the advantages of individual methods are mutually enhanced. The definition of mixed artificial systems and the conditional classification of
hybrid systems are given. Relationships and possibilities of mutual use of the theory of evolutionary
design and multi-agent systems are considered. A hybrid approach to solving optimization problems
based on a combination of evolutionary search methods, fuzzy control methods and possibilities of
parallel organization of the computational process is proposed. A modified migration operator for
the exchange of information between decision populations in the process of performing parallel computations
is proposed. The structure of the parallel hybrid algorithm has been developed. The island
and buffer models of a parallel genetic algorithm to organize a parallel computing process is proposed
to use. To improve the quality of the results obtained, a fuzzy logic controller in the evolution
contour of expert information, which regulates the values of the parameters of the evolution process
is included. A block diagram of the developed hybrid algorithm is presented. A software application
is developed, a description of the architecture of the software application is given. The features of the
software implementation of the proposed hybrid algorithm are considered. A brief description of the
performed computational experiments confirming the effectiveness of the proposed method is presented.


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