• N. I. Vitiska Scientific Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computer and Control Systems, Co Ltd.
  • N. A. Gulyaev Southern Federal University
  • I.G. Danilov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Computer visualization, rendering methods, graphical data organization, graphical data in volumetric representation, big data, distributed graph computing


Most of current tasks in fields of science and technology are connected to visualization,
which brings explicitness and informativity in management and design of natural and technical
objects and processes, it also solves a number of important tasks of human-machine interface. The
key problem of visualization in most cases is to display all the necessary information in allotted
amount of time and system resources. In volume visualization, large amount of data is processed,
which may require an excessive amount of computing resources, or it can introduce a number of
problems in management of visualization process. Currently, research and study of approaches to
organization of data being processed during volume visualization is crucial. Any decrease in computational
costs during storing and processing the graphic data not only allows to reduce corresponding
costs, but also allows to implement a number of modifications of sampling and compositing procedures, which introduces a number of possibilities for additional optimization of rendering
process. This paper discusses key tasks of organizing, storing and processing graphical data in
volume visualization paradigm in terms of distributed implementation. A general optimization
approach suitable for distributed implementation is considered. A multiparametric optimization
task is described, as well as objective function. Next, a problem of organization of graphical data
based on spatial location and properties of volumetric phenomenon is reviewed. Key nuances are
discussed, a solution for distributed case based on a combination of well-known approaches is
described, theoretical and practical aspects are considered. An approach to a low-level implementation
is considered, a technique of structuring the initial data as a marked graph by a set of properties,
as well as a process of carrying out the rendering procedure on such structure is described.


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