• M. L. Massel Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS
  • A. G. Massel Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS
  • D.V. Pesterev Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS
Keywords: Knowledge management, ontologies, cognitive models, expert system, energy security


The article proposes a knowledge management technology based on the joint use of ontologies,
cognitive models and production expert systems. The core of the proposed technology is the
technique of cognitive modeling and the transformation of cognitive models into the production
rules of the expert system, as well as the tools to support the proposed technology, developed on
the basis of the agent approach. The methods and tools for the semantic modeling (primarily ontological
and cognitive) developed in the authors' team were applied. We consider a two-level technology
of multivariate research, integrating the levels of qualitative (using semantic modeling)
and quantitative analysis (using mathematical models and a computational experiment), as well as
an intelligent IT environment that integrates tools for supporting two-level technology. Based on
them, the modification and development of tools to support the proposed knowledge management
technology was performed. An illustration of the proposed technology is given, the seven stages of
which are described in the table. The development of a conversion agent for converting causal
relationships of cognitive maps into production rules of an expert system is considered, the algorithm
of the agent is presented. The conversion result - the resulting set of rules - is transferred to
the shell of the Clips production expert system. Using the Clips inference engine, the expert receives
conclusions about the degree to which the concepts of the cognitive map interact with each
other and on their basis interprets the cognitive map. Examples of ontologies, cognitive maps,
results of converting cognitive maps into production rules of an expert system illustrating the proposed
knowledge management technology are given. A computational experiment is described inwhich a cognitive threat map “Low rates of renewal of electric generating equipment” is used.
The effectiveness of the proposed technology to support the justification and adoption of strategic
decisions on the development of energy can be first of all evaluated qualitatively, since it ensures
the scientific validity of the recommended solutions and thereby increases their effectiveness. In
addition, the use of this technology is aimed at reducing the expert’s labor costs and, accordingly,
reducing the time for analysis and substantiation of solutions. The novelty of the proposed approach
consists, firstly, in the integration of various intelligent technologies (ontologies, cognitive
modeling, expert systems) within the framework of a single technology for knowledge management
in scientific research; secondly, in the automation of analysis and interpretation of cognitive maps
using production expert systems. As a result, we can talk about improving the quality of preparation
and substantiation of recommendations for decision-making. The knowledge management
technology has been tested in studies of energy security problems, but may have wider application.


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