• A.I. Rybakov St. Petersburg state University of telecommunications them. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich
Keywords: Coding schemes, meteorological communication system, transmission channel, frequency division multiplexing, frequency filters, signal-code constructions, broadcast protocol, half-duplex protocol


The presented materials give a General description of the coding and decoding algorithms
used in the development of signal-code structures implemented in the layout of radio stations with
the equipment of software-defined radio system (Software-Defined Radio – SDR). Frame formats
of broadcast and half-duplex protocols; modulation/demodulation and subsequent digital signal
processing, which are used in existing and future radio communication systems. The authors bet
on the use of OFDM modulation together with absolute phase manipulation (2PSK and 4PSK) in
subchannels. Purpose of work. Investigation of existing methods of modulation / demodulation and
subsequent digital signal processing, as well as the requirements imposed by them on the equipment
of network stations and algorithms of the system. The conducted researches will allow to
define the most expedient and energy-efficient way of development, including creation of the software
allowing to create the equipment capable to satisfy to the maximum number of possible assignments
of channels of radio access. To justify the reliability and performance of the proposed
algorithm and transmission Protocol was developed appropriate software (software). It can be
used to receive and transmit information through the use of ionospheric reflections. In addition,
existing standards, Amateur systems such as WinLink and marine information systems (digital and
analog) are taken into account in terms of the "physical" and "channel" levels. Results. The structure
and functional description of the software-defined radio channel is given. The results of experimental
testing of technical solutions are shown. The software can use hardware and software
to control the transceiver module, including the sunsdr2 transceiver, which supports the operation
of the hardware in full duplex mode, and the antenna amplifier. Result of consideration of the
structure and functional description of the developed software, it is concluded that the validity andperformance of the proposed algorithm and transmission Protocol are relevant in the development
of digital receivers for communication systems for various purposes. Presents experimental data
for verification of the proposed algorithm showed acceptable compliance with the decisions taken
on quality using a channel resource with a sufficient level of credibility and reliability in the
transmission of information contained in the above code construction.


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