• S. N. Scheglov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Algorithm, method, graph models, structure, scheme, experiment, genetic search, adaptation,, adaptation


This paper presents a methodology for using bioinspired methods for integrated processing
of big data using the example of solving the transport type problem. The main place among the
applied problems of the transport type is given to the tasks of building transport facilities, whichmake it possible to minimize vehicle traffic problems or minimize the cost of transportation, minimize
the cost of transport problems. Routing is the most perfect way to organize the flow of goods
from enterprises, which has a significant impact on the acceleration of traffic turnover with rational
and efficient use of it. For this class of combinatorial problems, there are no effective classical
methods and algorithms for solving. These tasks are characterized by a finite, but very large
number of possible solutions. They can be put as tasks of integer programming, but in this case
there are no efficient algorithms. Therefore, the development of methods and algorithms for solving
transport-type problems, which has been carried out for many years, is still an urgent problem.
The methodological analysis of the research problem has been carried out. The analysis
showed that the use of methods and algorithms of sequential and parallel bio-inspired search for
solving the considered class of transport-type problems is an actual scientific problem of practical
interest. The problem statement is given. An integrated search scheme is shown, which allows you
to parallelize the process of finding an acceptable solution for large-scale problems. The structural
scheme of the bio-inspired search for the problem of the extreme path is considered. The results
of computational experiments are presented. The research results allow us to conclude that the
time complexity of the considered bioinspired search algorithms does not exceed the limits of the
polynomial dependence, and can be expressed by the formula: O (N2), where N is the number of
graph vertices (size of the problem to be solved).


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