Currently, the integration of data is an actual problem. Data integration can be presented at
various levels. The existing methods for solving the problem of data integration are quite complex
and still far from solving the problem of semantics. Analysis of the methods shows that when solving
the problem of heterogeneity at the semantic level, methods are used which were based on the use of
a single ontology of the upper level. Due to the fact that data in information systems usually represent
information objects that model some parts of the domain, which in turn has its own ontology, in order
to solve the problem of semantic heterogeneity of data, it is necessary to conform to the concepts of
subject domains of interaction objects. In this case, the coordinated semantics of the subject area can
be built interaction of information systems. The paper considers the semantic level at which data is
analyzed in terms of their semantic properties, as well as in the aspect of a unified ontology. To resolve
this class of problems, it is proposed to use evolutionary and, in particular, bioinspired algorithms.
The paper proposes to use boosting, the idea of which is to apply several algorithms sequentially.
The process of integration of information systems is reduced to solving the problem of estimating
the semantic proximity of objects of inhomogeneous ontologies, based on a hybrid measure of
similarity, including attribute, taxonomic and relational. The structure of boosting bioinspired algorithms
for searching for concepts and evaluating their semantic proximity is proposed. It is proposed
to use the dynamic probability of choosing algorithms based on the results obtained.
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