• V.V. Bova Southern Federal University
  • Y. A. Kravchenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Classification, intelligent Internet services, behavioral user profile, EM-algorithm, bioinspired methods, cuckoo search metaheuristics


The article deals with the problems of increasing the effectiveness of personal-oriented user interaction
organization in intelligent Internet services for developing a culture of safe behavior in the Internet
space. To solve them, we propose a method for constructing profiles of user behavior based on an analysis
of their information needs, which most closely match their preferences, including the implicit ones.
The relevance of the work is determined by the growing popularity of the idea of personalizing content
and information services in the Internet space. The user's behavior profile is considered by the authors as
a weakly formalized object in the feature space of internal and external characteristics describing its
interaction with an Internet resource. The proposed method is based on the EM-clustering probabilistic
algorithm of the studied data on user characteristics and distributed Internet resources for generating the
structure of the input parameters of classifiers of the user profile generation model. The structure optimization
is realized by the mechanism of selection of informative characteristics of a profile based on the
idea of identifying hidden interests and preferences of users on the one hand, and the ability of a resource
to satisfy interested users of this feature set - on the other. In order to reduce the dimension of the source
data of the attribute space, the classification problem suggests a meta-heuristic algorithm for optimizing
the “cuckoo search”, which is distinguished by scalability and high interpretability of the output data.
Optimization of the parameters of classifiers consists in the selection of the parameters of the membership
function and the labels of classes of the generalized profile so that the numerical criterion for the accuracy
of the classification of resource attributes and user preferences is reduced to a maximum on real data.
To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a computational experiment was conducted on test
datasets from the open repository of the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The results of which showed
that the classifier built on test data possesses a higher level of interpretability of the results of the formation
of profiles, while maintaining the accuracy of classification.


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