• E. V. Kuliev Southern Federal University
  • E.S. Tsyrulnikova Southern Federal University
  • N. V. Kulieva Southern Federal University
  • V. V. Markov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Data mining, classification algorithms, boosting, decision trees, selection of informative features, results of the learning process, expert assessment of quality, teaching materials, test materials


In this work, an intelligent information system of supporting the quality of educational activities
(IIS SQEA) is proposed. IIS SQEA includes a module "Expert quality assessment" and a module
"Analysis and prediction of the results of the learning process." IIS SQEA solves the problem
of analyzing and forecasting the results of the learning process using an extended set of features:
data on attendance of training and test resources, data on participation in discussion forums, data
on viewing announcements, data on a training course, data on the level of student training and
expert evaluations quality teaching materials and test materials. The set of informative features isdetermined using a filtering algorithm and is considered optimal for building a model for predicting
the results of the learning process. Expert evaluation of educational and methodological support
is carried out according to the criteria of completeness, availability and relevance. Expert
assessment of test materials is carried out on indicators: difficulties, validity and reliability of the
test. Expert assessments are made in special forms. The structure of the forms is arranged in such
a way that when filling out forms on the third level, forms of the second and first levels can be
filled in automatically, which simplifies the task of data entry. To build a forecast model, a classification
algorithm is used: boosting over decision trees. In the course of computational experiments,
the application of the algorithm for boosting over decisive trees and an extended set of
features showed a good forecast quality compared with similar developments. The developed IIS
SQEA provides a qualitative forecast of the results of the learning process and the ability to effectively
manage the quality of the educational process, identify problem situations and improve information
and teaching materials. Experimental studies have been carried out.


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