• Y. O. Chernyshev Don State Technical University
  • N.N. Ventsov Don State Technical University
Keywords: Computing optimization, fuzzy systems, selection of hardware architecture, knowledge transfer, adaptation, context


The problem of selecting the most effective hardware architecture in the implementation of
genetic algorithms that solve NP-complete problems is considered. The peculiarity of this kind of
problems is the unproven existence of algorithms capable of finding an exact solution in polynomial
time. Evolutionary algorithms used to solve such problems are stochastic in nature, which
makes it difficult to plan the computational process effectively. The aim of the work is to find ways
to reduce the search time by analyzing the results obtained in solving similar problems considered
earlier and choosing an effective architecture that implements this evolutionary algorithm.
The relevance of the work is due to the exponential growth of the dimensions of the optimization
problems to be solved. The scientific novelty lies in the use of knowledge about previously solved
problems to optimize the parameters of the genetic algorithm that solves the current problem, and
the choice of an effective hardware architecture on which this algorithm will be implemented.
The exact boundary, as a function of the number of individuals processed by the stochastic algorithm,
of the most appropriate architecture cannot be determined precisely. For this reason, the
boundary of the most efficient hardware architecture is defined as a fuzzy set. The problem statement
is: to accelerate the process of solving the current task, using the a priori parameter settings
of genetic algorithm based on the analysis of the results of decisions previously discussed tasks,
and choosing efficient hardware architecture. An approach to the selection of effective hardware
architecture is proposed, consisting of three stages: analysis of the results of solving the previously
considered problems, determining the number of individuals that must be generated to obtain an
acceptable solution by the evolutionary algorithm, selection of hardware architecture on which the
evolutionary algorithm will be implemented.


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