• S.I. Klevtsov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Local fractal analysis, forecasting, persistence, fractality index, normalized range method, time series


The main objective of the monitoring system of a technical object is to monitor the values of
its parameters at the current time and to predict possible changes in parameters for a given time
period. The assessment of parameter changes for the period of time for which the forecast is calculated
is based on the processing of previously obtained data. The horizon and forecasting accuracy
depend on the quality of the time series of data used for the calculations. The nature of the data
series also determines the choice of a specific forecasting model, the need and the choice of themethod of their preliminary processing. The more unstable the trend of the parameter’s time series,
the less possibilities there are for estimating the parameter values outside the current time
frame. Trend resistance of a series is determined using the normalized range method. The result of
using the method is to assess the nature of the time series as a whole. However, most methods of
forecasting time series use a limited part of the series directly adjacent to the time point of the
beginning of the forecasting process. And the nature of this section affects the accuracy of the
forecast. If this part of the series can be defined as persistent, then a forecast is possible. To analyze
the parameter values belonging to a small part of the series, the normalized span method is
not suitable, since it requires a large amount of data to be sampled. In this case, you can use the
fractality index, which allows local analysis. This paper presents a phased fractal analysis of the
time series data of a technical object parameter. At the first stage, a preliminary analysis is carried
out using the normalized scale method. The nature of the series as a whole is determined.
If the series is persistent, then the next step is the local fractal analysis of a limited area of a series
of parameter values. The possibility of using this section of the series for the implementation of the
forecasting problem is estimated. A local fractal analysis can be performed on a site limited by a
fixed time window that moves at each forecasting step following this process. A similar forecasting
support scheme can improve the accuracy and reliability of the forecast.


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