In article insufficiently studied aspects of engine management of internal combustion, such as detonation are considered. Authors suggest to use this, considered as accidental, process for increase in torque and power the internal combustion engine. At detonation instead of constant frontal flame in zone of combustion the detonation wave rushing with supersonic speed is formed. In wave of compression fuel and oxidizer detonate. This process, in terms of thermodynamics, increases engine efficiency thanks to compactness of zone. The possibility of use of detonation combustion of fuel-air mixture in the internal combustion engine as useful part of working process and the assumption of possibility of steering of burning of fuel-air mixture in the displaced mode allowing to improve indicator indicators becomes is considered. Though the detonation is consid-ered the destructive phenomenon, the possibility of short combustion of part of TVS with detona-tion is put in design of modern engines. It is caused by essential difference of grades of fuel, vari-ous approach to determination of octane number, change of properties of gasoline depending on the used additive compounds, etc. The stand is developed for experimental confirmation suggested, equipped with the original pressure control device in combustion chamber allowing to fix the indi-cator chart and detonation. The example of obtaining the improved external high-speed character-istics is given. Also the indicator charts allowing to explain improvement of external high-speed characteristics are submitted. Are in conclusion suggested on change of characteristics of parame-ters of burning of fuel-air mixture and the subsequent stages for studying of possibility of use of part of fuel in the detonation mode for the purpose of steering of burning process are planned.
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